Metaphysics of Satanism


The philosophy behind Hermetic Satanism is based on the following 13 axioms, lemmas and their corollaries:

  1. Ergo sum: I do exist, and I am the subject. I is the microcosm, also named Ipseity and the Self: a thing of its own, able to persist in solitude in the macrocosm.
  2. Antinomianism: there are no absolutes of any kind, neither gods nor dogmas.

    Corollary: there are other subjects than me (non-solipsism), since I can't be the only existing subject (absolute).

  3. Cypher: existence of multiple subjects requires their informational isolation from each other, which is why cryptography is inevitable part of the Universe, and privacy and information concealment is the foundational in individuation and alchemical workings.

    Corollary: knowledge hard to acquire, but easy to spread, since computation is harder than verification.

  4. Hermeticism: what is above so is below, and microcosm of each subject is like the macrocosm in whole (also can be seen as fractality, and levels of the organization of the matter – or levels of embedded simulation/virtualization, if one likes to think that way).
  5. Thelema: do what though wilt shall be the whole of the law.

    There is no other meaning of live – and thing more important – than exploring and fulfilling own True Will, which is a part to the Self of a subject.

  6. Tantra: even if each microcosm (subject) is unique, the subjects can interact, exchange information and cooperate - due to the hermetic interconnectedness.
  7. Emergence or autopoesis: microcosm is different from macrocosm, notwithstanding their similarity (similarity is not equivalence). In other words, I am not what the world or others think about me, and I am my own very special creation.

    Corollary: macrocosm is not a sum of individual microcosmi, and a whole is not equal to the simple sum of its components.

  8. Ruliad: there is no fine-tuning (anti-anthropic principle). In other words, the Universe evolves from nothing according to all possible rules, with no selection of any initial conditions and specific rules.

    Corollary: everything is possible, given enough time, resources and computational capacity.

  9. Shunyata, or emptiness: all things are empty of intrinsic existence and are dependently arisen from other things, if we take Madhayamaka definition of it.

    Corollary 1: there is no such thing as non-existence (anti-nihilism).

    Corollary 2: all things are interconnected, even if unique.

  10. Nemesis: every action has a consequence, which in many cases can't be predicted unless happens.

    Corollary: determinism doesn't imply absence of a free will.

    Alternative formulation: Nothing is true, everything is permitted – and responsibility is always yours, which is the only valid understanding of the term karma.

  11. Xeper: I am becoming, meaning the Self is not static and always includes its own constant change and evolvement – I am is what I was, is and will become.
  12. Advaita: there are no philosophical dualities as mutually exclusive objects, like material and ideal, or samsara and nirvana. The Universe is a whole, samsara equals to nirvana, and all dualities always form a spectrum instead of non-interacting poles.
  13. Hell: all microcosmi are unequal, as there can't be real equality between unique things.

    Corollary: discord and war (which is discord brought to is maximum) are inevitable parts of the Universe, since they are the way of competition and evolvement.

Once put that way, satanism becomes a sum of the above, and any subject having true will aligned with these values can be seen as a satanist. In this regard, one also may say that Satan exists at least as a corollary from the 13 axioms, in form of a multi-faceted (we are the legion) subject representing summa of all satanists (not necessarily only humans, but any kinds of past and future subjects).