The Thirteen

Initiatory degrees

The order has five-degree system, with each degree having a main goals and objective requirements for acquiring the degree.

The degrees are named in Latin, with each name having three sexual morphisms a member can choose from.

1º Tiro

Upon the acceptance, an initiate becomes tiro for a fixed term of one year.

The main goal of this degree is to demonstrate the persisted interest in participating the Order activities and initiatory workings.

2º Malefic

Malefica (-us, -um) main goal is to reveal own True Will.

The degree is similar to the Witch/Warlock in Church of Satan and second degree in many other left-hand path orders, and corresponds to degrees from 1º=10º to 5º=6º of OTO, when the knowledge and conversation with holy guardian angel (i.e. revealing of own True Will) happens.

Alchemically the degree corresponds to the beginning of nigredo stage (the first part of it, which is also sometimes called opus minor).

3º Adept

Adeptus (-a, -um) main goal is to separate own Self (and its True Will) from the society-inspired pseudo-ego and other forms of personas. This culminates as the event of philosophical death (crossing the Abyss in Thelema).

Alchemically this corresponds to nigredo, the work in black.

4º Magistr

Magistra (-us, -um) must be able to work towards fulfilling own True Will notwithstanding any possible obstacles and resource limitations, imposed by the life and society.

Alchemical correspondence – albedo, or work in ashes.

5º Mag

Magum (-a, -us) has achieved their degree by a provable fulfillment of own True Will, which changes the world (macrocosm). This corresponds to a confirmed transformation of the Self into an immortal form of stone of philosophers through the rubedo, or work in royal purple.


As an organization, we are looking for a very select few, who would be ignited for the hard work of initiatory practice on one hand, and would be able to strengthen and help us in our public work on the other.

On a practical level these people should be prepared to call themselves satanists, i.e. share the values and practice the keystones described above. Probably they might be unsatisfied with what existing occult LHP organizations offer, for instance by their marginality; anti-cosmism; searches of another worlds; gnostic overturning of God and Satan; lack of a proper initiatory work; pure rational and psychological understanding of Satanism; or even exclusion of Satan from their worldview as claimed by some.

What we expect from our members

  • A strong resolve to pursue the initiation, whatever it takes;
  • A mind that is flexible enough to learn new approaches, not clinging to a legacy of already formed, rigid belief systems;
  • The patience and the discipline to work diligently and responsibly, planning for the long term horizon when necessary;
  • Ability to cooperate and effectively work together with other like-minded individuals, developing synergies and not conflicts;
  • The ambition and the drive to go for things that many consider impossible.

Member benefits

A membership provides the initiate with the following advantages:

  • Guided initiatory practices supervised by one of the order members;
  • Access to the corpus of occult literature collected in our large library;
  • Community of highly-educated people interested in discussions on occult, philosophy and science;
  • Support in your projects and endeavors, if they match goals of existing members and Order policies.

We prefer to give out fishing rods rather than fish meals, so we teach the methods of obtaining knowledge rather than simply pass information. Hence, our goal is to create equals and not followers. We are helping and encouraging our members to become self-sufficient individuals that will be responsible for carrying out their own projects.


Before proceeding, be aware that our path lies outside human values and common good. It does not lead to a better life, at least in the common sense of better. It is just for those, who have the Lust for more, the Passion to transcend all boundaries & the Will to follow the path into the unknown – no matter what it takes.

To become an initiate of the Thirteen please send us an essay describing your background, interests and the reasons why you'd like to join the order.

About us

The Thirteen was established at the end of 2013, as a part of aeonic workings by Azurvan Order mages in Kyiv, Ukraine. In 2019 the order headquarters moved to Switzerland. In 2024 the order become open to public.

Azurvan Order

Azurvan Order, also known as Ordo Hermeticus Sinistrum or OHS, is a Chivalric Order of Knighthood established in 2005 and dedicated to transforming our world using aeonic magic, technology and science according to the will of its members. As a form of multi-faceted stone of philosophers, with initiates (facets of the stone) being exclusively Magisters and Mages of The Thirteen, its mission can allegorically be described as opening the Gates of Infernum and bringing the Hell to Earth – which is another way of saying building a civilization of daemons which are able to rich and rule the stars.

Meaning of the name The Thirteen

Satanism means development of the Self – much beyond any restrictions and bounds of the common life. However, development is frequently misunderstood as an endless cycle. Modern esotericism frequently takes twelve as a symbol for such closed cycle (twelve months, twelve hours of the clock, twelve Zodiacal sings) or completeness (the twelve apostles, twelve Olympic gods, twelve knights of the round table or twelve members of the jury).

To oppose this “meme” of the cyclic development and twelve as its symbol, we add another step to the cycle, breaking Ouroboros and unwrapping into an endless exponential spiral. This is a fractal spiral of development towards complexity, where the end becomes a totally new beginning, materia finita becomes materia prima of a new Great Work and not of the same one. And to be precise, the Sun during its annual path in fact crosses 13 (not 12!) celestial constellations, which are not equivalent but have a different size: the concept of 12 equal Zodiacal signs is simply contrived. There are also 13 lunar months in a calendar year: twelve of Lunar months are complete and the thirteenth is incomplete – it crosses the boundary between years and continues into a new year. This strongly signifies the “spiral” nature of time, rather than a cyclical return to the previous status quo.

Thereby, thirteen become a numeric symbol for natural and real development, which has the form of a repeated spiral process, not a cyclical closing.